Lindis Collins-Bacchus

Collins Physio
1740 Kingston Rd #213, Pickering, ON L1V 7E2, Canada
416 283 9811
Catchment Area:

Lindis Collins-Bacchus graduated from Lanchester Polytechnic in the UK in 1986. After working in the UK in the national Health Service and in private care, she relocated to Canada in 1988. Her training and work life has been centred in the care of the neurologically impaired clients in a variety of in-patient and out-patient hospital settings. Lindis then moved into private practice in Canada in 1996. In 2001, she joined Beverley Jones to form Collins & Jones private practice physiotherapy. Lindis specializes in predominantly in treating clients that have brain -injury, spinal cord injury and stroke or CVA. She works in the community setting and actively networks with community resources to help clients re-integrate into their community. Lindis strives to maintain and incorporate knowledge of innovative intervention to help clients achieve valuable, functional outcomes Lindis is Bobath trained at an Advanced and Masters level.

Perinatal and Family Care: