Elza Saint-Victor, RHC


Health Coach
Health Coach Elza
Montreal, QC
Catchment Area:

Montreal, Canada

French, English

Hi there, I am passionate, accountable and emphatic licensed health and life coach!

My journey started years ago, when I suddenly noticed that I became reluctant to go out with friends, that I was ashamed of my distressed stomach, that I was constantly waking up with headaches, that my blood pressure was too high, that I was constantly feeling tired, that I was getting skin issues more than ever & that my mood swings were riding on a roller coaster.

Experiencing all of this was definitely not the best life ever. I knew something had to change.

That is when I did a lot of digging, studying and research about what I was going through. Then, I learned about stress management. I was skeptical at first. But then, I follow through in a way I never have before. Progressively, I started to feel so much lighter, more relaxed, in better control of my irrational thoughts. Feeling energized and confident became my new normal. Slowly and surely the symptoms related to stress either disappeared or greatly reduced.

I truly believe that it’s about the journey, the progression and not perfection. That's when I developed a program called The Body and Mind Transformation to help ladies managing their stress eating and food cravings to feel their best self.

Perinatal and Family Care: