Preparing for the Upcoming Season: Back-to-School Edition

Mama, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but we are in August already (can you believe it)?! Do you remember that back-to-school commercial that would come on (around this time of the year) where the parent is pushing the shopping cart with school supplies in it and they are so overjoyed that their child is going back to school and the child is not impressed (I think it was from Staples). They had that jingle that went: “it’s the most wonderful time of the year!” Well, it’s just about that time! In about a month or so, the kiddos will be back to school. Are you ready? Are they ready? If your answer is no, take a moment to pause and slowly take a deep breath in, hold, and breathe out slowly.

Mama, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but we are in August already (can you believe it)?! Do you remember that back-to-school commercial that would come on (around this time of the year) where the parent is pushing the shopping cart with school supplies in it and they are so overjoyed that their child is going back to school and the child is not impressed (I think it was from Staples). They had that jingle that went: “it’s the most wonderful time of the year!” Well, it’s just about that time! In about a month or so, the kiddos will be back to school. Are you ready? Are they ready? If your answer is no, take a moment to pause and slowly take a deep breath in, hold, and breathe out slowly.

One of my favorite quotes is from Malcom X, “the future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Don’t get me wrong, while I am a huge advocate for being and living in the present, I strongly believe in preparing (as much as we possibly can) for the future. Planning ahead and putting those plans into action helps to lessen any stress and overwhelm that comes with the hustle and bustle of the back-to-school season.

Here are some things you may want to consider to help you and your family transition into your back-to-school routines.

Sleep Times

In the summer, we tend to get a little relaxed with our schedules. We take advantage of the sun being out longer, so both bed and wake times get moved back a bit later. Depending on how much later you allow your child(ren) to go to bed and wake up, you may want to start by adjusting their sleep times in 15 minute increments. For example, say bedtime is at 9 pm during the summer and 8 pm during the school year. Starting this week, their bedtime will be 8:45 pm all week. The following week, it will be 8:30 pm; the week after it will be 8:15 pm and the next week their bedtime will be 8:00 pm. Do the same thing for their wake up times. You can modify this suggestion as necessary to best suit your family’s needs. You can also try this method for your sleep schedule as well.

School Supplies and Clothing

Take some time to take inventory of all the clothes (including undergarments and footwear) as well as the school supplies that you currently have. Make sure everything still fits and is in a good and wearable condition. Whatever clothing items don’t fit, give them away; if they are torn or stained, drop them off at your local textiles recycling program. Similarly for the school supplies, ensure that everything is in working condition. Whatever is not, either donate or dispose of it. Make a list of everything that you need and if you haven’t started yet, start looking around for sales for the items you need. Getting these things in advance will help to avoid adding unnecessary stress to your life.


As always, ensure that you are scheduling time to take care of yourself; treat yourself to a spa date for a massage and / or a manicure and pedicure (or whatever you desire). In addition, schedule some time to go shopping, do the laundry, get everyone’s hair done, and whatever else needs to be accomplished.

Speaking of schedules, what will your schedules for the next couple of months look like? Do you already know what extracurricular activities your child(ren) will be participating in? Do you know the days and times? If so, put them into your (digital or paper) calendar. This is important because you want to avoid over committing not only yourself but your child(ren) as well. Doing so will give you a rough idea of when you can schedule in some downtime as a family and for yourself. Whether that looks like - a solo date, a date with your partner, or your friends, etc. Remember, you are deserving and worthy of rest; therefore it is important and non-negotiable.

Enjoy What’s Left of the Summer

While it isn’t quite time for the summer fun to stop, summer break is winding down. Continue to enjoy the summer festivities with your family and the beautiful weather while it is here.

Remember to have fun, be safe, stay hydrated, and take deep care.