By: Nicki Reid, Bilingual BA

How To Survive Uncertain Times: Political Protest Edition

There are lots of resources available to navigate the uncertainties around CUPE protests impacting school education and childcare.

There are lots of resources available to navigate the uncertainties around CUPE protests impacting school education and childcare.

By: Nicki Reid, Bilingual BA

Since the COVID-19 protocol restrictions started to lift last spring, some people have jumped right into attending in-person events, while others have been cautious in taking their time to slowly reintegrate into society.

Having September roll around with several months of no lockdowns, this school year seemed promising. Some may have been uncertain of what to anticipate, but hopeful for some sense of normalcy for ourselves and our children. 

More people have returned to working in person and have started to get back into a routine remnant of that pre-COVID; only for that to be interrupted a couple of months back into the school year with the news of an indefinite political protest. This last minute confirmation has left some parents scrambling to make arrangements for their children during this time.

Pre-pandemic, the logistics of education in our province were unstable. Depending on how the school board within your jurisdiction ruled, some students would attend class on certain days, while the rest of the class attended class on the other days. Then COVID happened, halting in-person learning while moving classrooms online. Now, here we are, as we find ourselves in an all too familiar situation. As if navigating the past couple of years hasn't been challenging enough.

Mama, I am here to tell you that you are not alone. 

Here are a few things that you can do to survive these uncertain times. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest.

  1. Take slow and deep breaths in and out to regulate yourself. Bring one hand to your heart and another to your abdomen and breathe deeply from your abdominals. Feel your stomach rise on your inhale and fall on your exhale. Continue to breathe for as long as you need until you feel relaxed. You will be able to think more clearly in a relaxed state.

  1. Remind yourself that there is no need to panic because everything will work out the way that it needs to. Maybe you tell yourself some affirmations; for example (and in no particular order):

  1. Check in with the pace that you’re currently operating at. Is it frenzied and rushed? Or slow and calm? Is it helping you or hurting you? If necessary, slow it all the way down minute to minute. The past is gone, that time won’t be coming back and we don’t know what will happen in the future. The present moment is all we truly have.

  1. Exercise patience, compassion, and understanding. I know it can be frustrating amongst other emotions. These are odd times, many of us are still recovering from the past few years and are navigating this space as best as we can.

  1. If your child(ren) is / are old enough, explain to them what is going on. The “Ontario Federation of Labour” website is a good place to start by clicking here. The “$39K is Not Enough Website” is another good resource to visit here. To learn more about “CUPE”, click here.

  1. If it’s something that you feel comfortable with, join the movement on the picket lines and bring your child(ren) along. Visit the “CUPE Picket Line Finder” website here to find the closest picket line to you. Otherwise, you can still support the cause by signing a petition for instance; “Building Better Schools” has one listed on their website here.

  1. In the interim, consider what alternate solutions can be made. If you’re working in an office, see if it’s possible to work remotely. If working from home is not an option, if there is a family who works remotely that lives close enough and everyone is comfortable, see if your child(ren) can do their remote learning from there. 

  1. Connect with a local mom group on Facebook. In the ones I am in, I have seen various child-centered businesses offer programs for families that their children can attend while their parent(s) work.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of taking care of yourself, especially during these times. I invite you to prioritize your mind, body, soul, and spirit in whatever way that looks like for you. Each day, create some space to do something for you. It doesn’t have to be a lot of time, it can be as little as 15 or even 5 minutes. Please, be mindful of your stress levels; manage your mental and emotional well-being. 

Remember, you are supported and cared for. Mommy Monitor has resources available to help you. Do not hesitate to reach out; visit them by clicking here.

As always, take deep care and be well Mamas.

Nicki Reid, Bilingual BA‍

Certified Transformational Coach | Wholesome Mind Health Coaching